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Weekdays from 3:00pm to 7:00pm at theCoderSchool Berkeley starting Feb 7, 2017
Saturdays from 9:00am to 2:00pm at theCoderSchool Berkeley starting Feb 11, 2017

The Coder School is a year-round after-school coding school for kids ages 8-18. We combine collaboration and immersion with direct instruction by our Code Coaches™ to get your kids learning to code and rockin' their inner hacker in no time! Our mission is to inspire and excite kids to not only learn to code, but think critically about how technology can change our lives in the future. At The Coder School, we want aspiring coders to use their new found passion as a stepping stone to thinking outside the box, as a way to channel their ideas in a creative way and most importantly, to have fun.



In Person Trial No purchase required to enroll

In Person 1:1 Code Coaching No purchase required to enroll

In Person 2:1 Code Coaching No purchase required to enroll

In Person 3:1 Code Coaching No purchase required to enroll

In Person Private Code Class No purchase required to enroll

Reservation No purchase required to enroll

Online Zoom Lobby No purchase required to enroll


In Person Code Class No purchase required to enroll

@School Code Class

Online BUSD Code Class $220 Purchase required to enroll

Online Yu Ming Code Class $160 Purchase required to enroll

School of the Madeleine Tech Class Purchase required to enroll

@School Code Class Purchase required to enroll

Summer Camps

Premium Code Camp $799 Purchase required to enroll

Code Camp $699 Purchase required to enroll

Code Camp 4-Day $599 Purchase required to enroll

After Care

Code Camp After Care $195 Purchase required to enroll

4-day Code Camp After Care $156 Purchase required to enroll

3-day Code Camp After Care $117 Purchase required to enroll


Spring Break Camp $649 Purchase required to enroll

Holiday Camp 3-Day $399 Purchase required to enroll

Holiday Camp 4-Day $529 Purchase required to enroll

Premium Holiday Camp 4-Day $599 Purchase required to enroll

Special Events

1-day Coding Camp $149 Purchase required to enroll

Online Game Night Free Purchase required to enroll

Online Hour of Code Workshop Free Purchase required to enroll